The CING system is a software (software) made using neural networks and is designed to calculate in real time the values of the rolling parameters of the technological parameters, based on data from the monitoring equipment already available at the enterprise.
- Hot redundancy of measuring instruments operation - transfer to the automated control system of an enterprise of calculated data on the value of the parameter value in the event of a measuring device failure.
- Diagnostics of the process, advance warning of personnel about possible deviations from the task and emergency situations.
- Calculation of parameters that are not directly measured or performed at a low frequency.
- Forecasting the wear of critical nodes of tech process
- Prediction of changes in technological parameters when changing the process. This application is especially important with a large number of suppliers of raw materials or with a large range of raw materials.
Rolling production
Flat rolling
- Strip profile building
- Calculation and prediction of strip thickness
- The calculation of the optimal presets on the rolls and the gaps in the stands
- Calculation of cooling parameters
- Prediction of strip defects
- Calculation of the mechanical properties of the strip
- Roller wear forecast
Pipe rolling
Prediction of the mechanical characteristics of the manufactured pipes
- Calculation and prediction of wall thickness of manufactured pipes
- Calculation of optimal adjustments (in automatic mode or operator advisor mode)
- Calculation of the optimal parameters of heating and cooling devices
- Calculation and prediction of the roll wear profile
 | Long rolling
- Prediction of mechanical characteristics of long products
- Calculation and prediction of wear profile calibers
- Calculation and prediction of wear discs saw hot cutting rolled
- Calculation of optimal adjustments (in automatic mode or operator advisor mode)
- Calculation of the optimal parameters of heating and cooling devices
- Prediction of crack formation in long products
- Optimization of cutting hire