The digitization of an increasing number of production processes has a positive effect on the work efficiency, profitability of the enterprise, and product quality. Artificial intelligence is able to carry out sound and productive management of technological processes, due to which there is a more rational distribution of available resources. The very increase in production efficiency is carried out on the basis of the fact that, using digital solutions, an enterprise becomes more flexible and adaptive to rapidly changing competitive conditions, and all the processes inside it are much faster. Proper distribution of tasks between Artificial Intelligence and Man makes it possible to reduce the number of engineering and technical specialists, without losing as a product.
However, reducing production costs is impossible in the long term without the introduction of reliable and high-quality intelligent systems.
It is important that the automation of technological processes was carried out taking into account the specific specifics of the enterprise and the products sold.This condition is one of the key to success. For this reason, more and more often, the reduction of production costs is not carried out on the basis of ready-made template solutions. It requires an individual approach, the development and implementation of unique intelligent systems that would fully meet the requirements of a particular production. Modern scientific and technical developments offer a wide range of tools and solutions for tracking control at all stages of ensuring security, trouble-free and uninterrupted operation of equipment. They can be successfully combined with each other, refined and modernized, so that the cost reduction occurs as quickly and efficiently as possible even for complex industries.